Dear Readers,
Whether you call them mistakes, setbacks or an oversights, I have learned (the hard way) that one does not get through a life without collecting a few moments they would like to do over.
When I was first starting out, I expected all of my events and arrangements to be executed perfectly. When this didn’t happen, I took it to heart. Perhaps I wallowed longer than I should have or hid a clients’ dissatisfaction under a heavy excuse. There were also those times when I tried to ignore my missteps altogether, hoping they would just ”go away ”.
None of this worked for me in the way I wanted it to. Time showed me that wallowing doesn’t fix anything, excuses often fuel repetition, and ignoring things often makes them fester. After a bit of frustration, I learned that the only way to make a mistake productive was to stare it in the face, accept that I could have done better, and identify exactly what not to do next time.