
PB Spotlight Series: Eve Poplett Splendid Affairs Wedding Company

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Eva, Splendid Affairs, Preston Bailey, Preston Bailey Blog, Event Planners, Brides, Bridal, weddings, wedding

Dear Readers:

Happy Friday! I want to thank all of you for your wonderful emails and posts regarding this series. I am thrilled you are all enjoying it as much as I am and I encourage you to all submit your links under the posts calling for submissions which can be found on my Facebook page every Friday.

In today’s spotlight series, I am profiling Eve Poplett of Splendid Affairs Wedding Company, Johannesburg based Event and Wedding Planning Company which specializes in flower design and décor styling. As always, this series was started in the spirit of sharing and community, and I look forward to hearing all of your wonderful feedback.



I love hearing each person’s story, tell is when you discovered that working in events was your passion?

Before getting into the wedding industry, I owned a diamond cutting factory. It was part of the family business, income was great but there was no fulfillment. I wanted to establish something that would distinguish me, fulfill me and provide income for my family. And so I started dreaming. I made a list, I put down my qualifications, experiences, skills and passions. Six years ago wedding planning was a novel idea in South Africa, but I felt it was a feasible business idea even though most people thought I was crazy. Becoming a part of a wedding industry did not happen overnight, it took time and patience. Getting known and respected took even longer. Today, I am able to benefit my clients with my knowledge, experience and talent but also find new ways to inspire myself and others to be more daring, creative and exceptional.

Tell us about your biggest event success!

I think of every completed wedding as the biggest success. Any wedding, no matter how big or small is special. Any wedding, regardless of the budget or size, is equally important. Success is often defined by specific taste, trends and most importantly a budget. Therefore for me, success of each function is defined by specific parameters and resources we have at the beginning and then exceeding all expectations a client may had – that is what I call a successful event.


I believe that each of us have something unique and special to offer clients, what do you feel sets you apart?

What I believe sets me apart from my competitors are three things. Number one- I sincerely appreciate the importance of managing a budget. Number two- I have training in Psychology and I find that background provides me with incredible insight into human relationships. I am able to provide emotional support to the couple and their families. Number three- my ability to ‘create’ which means that I use my talent and experience to the fullest each and every time I work.

That is so wonderful! Working in events is often a full time job, especially when you are committed to your clients. How do you find that balance between your personal and professional life?

Finding a balance comes from self imposed discipline coupled with experience. As a business owner you can take time off as long as your clients are feeling secure in knowing that whilst you are enjoying much needed down time, their wedding is still on track. As a business owner you have to realize that the reason you started a business in the first place is to be free, and not only financially but also in your working hours. Working smarter not harder is key. Make sure your commitments are fulfilled and then enjoy guilt free time off. This also means not over committing and even learning how to say ‘no’ now and then.


Finally, describe the event of your dreams. What is the budget, theme, location?

My dream events will be my daughters’ weddings in about 20 years from today. I would love for them to have weddings of their dreams- no expense spared at the location of their choice. I want them to know that everything is possible, that a world is a magical place full of possibilities and amazing experiences just waiting to happen.


(Photos courtesy of Spendid Affairs and Kat Forsyth Photography)

Categories: Advice for artists, Alone or Together, Bridal, brides, Celebrity wedding planner, Dear Preston, event planning advice, Event Planning Inspiration, event planning tips, Inspirational Artist Advice, Inspirational Event Career Advice, Inspirational Event Designer Advice, Inspirational Wedding Designer Advice, Inspirational Wedding Planner Advice, NY wedding designer, Preston Bailey, preston bailey advice, preston bailey blog, Preston Bailey Bridal Blog, preston bailey brides, Preston Bailey Inspiration, Preston Bailey interview, Preston Bailey Tips, Splendid Affairs Event Company, Top Event Designer, Top event planner, Top Event Planner NYC, Top NY Event designer, top ny wedding planner, Top Wedding Blogs, Top Wedding Planner, vendors, wedding, wedding ideas, wedding planning, weddings

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